In North Cyprus AGA victims once again face the stark realisation that their houses may not be finished



The silence from the TRNC is deafening !


There are NO answers to questions posed to the Amaranta Buyers Committee from concerned victims who signed the protocol, yet they have now allegedly had £1.3 million pounds pass through their hands on its way to Gary Robb.


The reason I say pass though their hands is because the law will see it that way. They have their names on the bank account to which the victims money was paid, so therefore in the eyes of the law (British anyway) they will allegedly held responsible unless they have unadulterated proof that they passed the money to suppliers and to Gary (which I am sure they have). They will need cast iron receipts for all of this money or they could find themselves in the proverbial mire !


Just the occasional statement that  “we are building walls “ will not suffice. As a committee they will need to provide accounts, minutes, plans, receipts so on and so forth all adopted and seconded by the members. This is a legal requirement !


The non or rather evasive answers to important questions posed by victims is also worrying – come on ABC put the victims minds at rest – get real answers to these questions !




 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 

From: MSN Nickname(Original Message)

Sent: 17/12/2008 08:59

can you please tell us what is going on, you asked all the buyers to continue their payments and you got support , all we have had from you for the past 2 weeks is very little is happening BUT next week all will be sorted
PROMISE AFTER PROMISE,  JAM TOMORROW,  this has been going on for months now
one excuse after another, one letter or solution after another
1st Turk Barter ,then the Goverment letter(which actually said nothing,) then the expanation of the letter telling us what it really meant
Gary will complete the retaining/boundary walls ,but will not give us a time table or work plan
then your statement that £50000 has been spent on Amaranta but then refuse to give us any details on what it has been spent  
now there is the Gary/Tahir situation,  i am informed that they have been working together again for many many months . 
what is going to happen after the last payment has been received in early January?
by then you will have received approx£1.5million this year
you ask us to support and respect you ,we do, now how about some support and respect from you
time for you to publish the facts of where all the money has gone, after all you were in control of the Escrow account 
I ASK AGAIN WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN JANUARY WHEN THERE IS NO MORE MONEY COMING IN, tell us how you as a committee see it, your opinion, 
we will respect that it is only your opinion on how you all personally see it



Gary Robb is allegedly no longer at Rafters having a few drinks with these Ex-Pats and laughing at the AGA victims (we have emails to confirm this) but as we predicted some months ago – Gary Robb will allegedly now be laughing at them !  This is the way Gary Robb works. He will use people until they are no longer of any use to him and them they will be chucked on the scrap heap along with those before them without a lifeline nor a leg to stand on.




 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 

From:  (Original Message)

Sent: 16/12/2008 20:10


Hi All


I’ve received an e-mail from abag concerning the protocol.

Has anyone else received this.







Not an interesting email from us, just a link to this blog  and an offer of support if we can. The email doesn’t really concern just the protocol, rather just pointing out that what we were told in the TRNC in August 2007 has somewhat come to fruition and that it allegedly appears that Gary Robb may have got away with approx another £1.3 million – just our opinion, but it doesn’t seem like Gary Robb is going to fill the shortfall needed to finish his projects (a minimum of £11 million or so – all sites) and it also is blatantly obvious that he will not be facing the responsibilities of his current court cases & judgements thus leaving all injunctions and memorandums in place. The courts will not lift them.


We are aware of one purchaser who has an injunction absolute covering 33 donums at Amaranta ! Makes our injunction absolute which covers the whole of the Green section look insignificant. So, unless Gary does find a swift solution for these people – Amaranta Valley is going nowhere.  There are at least 16 injunctions covering Amaranta Valley along with a number of memorandums (that we know of) and these will no be lifted until Gary faces his responsibilities and satisfies these issues


As AGA victims once again face the stark realisation that their houses may not be finished in the foreseeable future then the amount of court cases against Gary Robb will surely increase thus making the web stickier and bigger than ever




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